In accordance with Law 34/2002 on Services of the communication and commerce society in force since July 11, 2002, we communicate that this website belongs to:

NIF: B70003421
Hotel Rústico Lugar Do Cotariño
15123 Camariñas (A Coruña)
Phone: +34 629 214 379

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In compliance with the provisions of Article 5 of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter “Lopd”), and Law 34/2002 of July 11, (Hereinafter referred to as “LSSI”), HOTEL RÚSTICO LUGAR DO COTARIÑO informs that personal data provided by filling out electronic registration forms contained in this website, as well as Such as those data of which RUSTIC HOTEL LUGAR DO COTARIÑO accesses as a result of its navigation, its consultation, request or contracting of other services or products, or any transaction or operation performed during the rendering by HOTEL RÚSTICO LUGAR DO COTARIÑO de The services offered in this site, will be collected in a file, the person in charge of which is HOTEL RÚSTICO LUGAR DO COTARIÑO in the address of which (Rustic Hotel Lug Ar Do Cotariño, 15123 Camariñas, A Coruña) may exercise their right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the treatment of their personal data, in the subjects and conditions provided by law. For your convenience you can also exercise the aforementioned rights by going to the e-mail address: HOTEL RÚSTICO LUGAR DO COTARIÑO undertakes to treat in a completely confidential way the personal data and make use of them exclusively for the purposes indicated in each section of this website.


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